Have you ever dealt with family rejection? I have.
There will always be people in our lives who nomatter what we do it will never be good enough and you will never fit their standard of perfection.They will always focus on the negative and voice it out especially when your having a peaceful or joyful day.They will never praise you when your doing well or congratulate you when you accomplish or achieve something.They will not be good listeners maybe even change the subject during your conversation or walk away when your talking about things that make you happy.They never ask you how your doing? But always find something to be critical about and they make a priority to remind you of your flaws, short-comings and failures as well as tell others about it.They carry the Spirit of Rejection when you are around and you can sense that negative Spirit.Satan uses this to discourage, dishearten and lead you to give up in your journey!
I have good news though.None of those people will save us but God will use them to save us.God uses difficult and negative people to mold our characters.The truth about who we really are is found in God's Word.The greatest challenge is to believe what God is truly saying in the midst of what others are saying.Not that what they are saying is completely not true.It may be partially true but to be constantly hit over the head and not find comfort, encouragement or inspiration is not the Spirit of Christ.
Maintain Self-respect—Some with whom you are brought in contact may be rough and uncourteous, but do not, because of this, be less courteous yourself. He who wishes to preserve his own self-respect must be careful not to wound needlessly the self-respect of others. This rule should be sacredly observed toward the dullest, the most blundering. What God intends to do with these apparently unpromising ones, you do not know. He has in the past accepted persons no more promising or attractive to do a great work for Him. His Spirit, moving upon the heart, has roused every faculty to vigorous action. The Lord saw in these rough, unhewn stones precious material, which would stand the test of storm and heat and pressure. God does not see as man sees. He does not judge from appearances, but searches the heart and judges righteously.—Gospel Workers, 122, 123 (1915)
Never allow the negative actions of others change who God intends you to be.Satan calls you by your sins using others.God calls you by name using others to remind you that your an overcomer.Apostle Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Phillipians 4:13
Chapter 12 (SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 6 E.G.W
(Philippians 3:8). Paul Taught by the Holy Spirit—The apostle Paul, who had received many revelations from the Lord, met difficulties from various sources, and amid all his conflicts and discouragements he did not lose his trust and confidence in God. Under the special tuition of the Holy Spirit, his judgment was purified, refined, elevated, sanctified. The devisings of human beings and of the enemy against him were to him a means of discipline and education, and he declares that thus he gained most excellent knowledge, because he made the Lord Jesus his dependence. “Yea doubtless,” he declares, “I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.” How greatly this gospel enriches the garden of the soul, enabling it to produce most precious fruit (Letter 127, 1903)!
1-4. Paul's Preaching With Power—Through Paul God has given many wonderful lessons for our instruction. In his visions Paul saw many things not lawful for a man to utter. But many other things which he saw in the heavenly courts were woven into his teachings. The truth flashed from his lips as a sharp, two-edged sword. The impressions made upon his mind by the Holy Spirit were strong and vivid, and they were presented to the people in a way that no one else could present them. Paul spoke in the demonstration of the Spirit and with power (Letter 105, 1901).
(1 Corinthians 9:27.) Paul Remained Humble—The apostle Paul was highly honored of God, being taken in holy vision to the third heaven, where he looked upon scenes whose glories might not be revealed to mortals. Yet all this did not lead him to boastfulness or self-confidence. He realized the importance of constant watchfulness and self-denial, and plainly declares, “I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway” (The Review and Herald, May 3, 1881).
(Philippians 3:12; 1 Timothy 1:15.) Paul had a very humble opinion of his own advancement in the Christian life. He says, “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect.” He speaks of himself as the chief of sinners. Yet Paul had been highly honored of the Lord. He had been taken, in holy vision, to the third heaven, and had there received revelations of divine glory which he could not be permitted to make known (The Signs of the Times, January 11, 1883).
(Romans 16:25; Ephesians 3:8, 9; Colossians)
