Jeremiah 1:5 Says: "Before I formed you in your mothers womb, I sanctified you and set you apart to be a prophet to the nations."

Jeremiah was very young in age when God spoke to Him.Before he was even in the womb God had already conceived and created Him in His Mind. He had a plan for his life even before he existed.That is how powerful God is and how powerful the human mind can be with Christ! Without Him we concieve the wrong ideas and our very own plans for our lives and this is why it is so mportant to give our plans to Him.
He was ordained by God to be a prophet for the unbelieving Nations that had rebelled against God worshipping after other gods.Although, God has a unique plan for each of us His plans are always perfect.I want you to meditate for a second...Before He formed us in the womb He had already conceived us on His mind.Our names, the color of our eyes and even thought out our lives beginning to end.That's AMAZING!

A few times, I've tried to write the story of my life and failed tremendously.I learned along the way, that God is the Best Author and before I was born He already had decided what my life would be.(Jer 1:5) Many of us struggle to Trust God.Please take a second to picture me battling with God trying to take His pen away. As I am in the process of trying to write my own story I discovered I would continue running out of ink. After several attempts & downfalls I finally decided to surrender all to Jesus and allow Him to keep the pen and continue writing it for me.
Isn't that what most of us do sometimes? We want to take control instead of trusting God & simply allowing Him to do whatever He wants? I am still learning to hand Him my pen as I die to self daily hoping that someday His plan in my life will be completely fulfilled.I learned that worry is blind and my Faith in Him must grow deeper.His pen never runs out.His pen will never run dry because it flows not with ink but with the blood of Christ. The blood that Christ shed on the cross for our sins.
His Love is endless it never fails.His blood purchased us, redeemed us all & saved us! He payed the ultimate price so that we can all have a story with a happy ending! Trusting Him no matter what happens on this Earth we will be safe in His will.His will is always perfect even when we do not fully understand.The bad experiences and the tears you've cried are not the end of your story is on this Earth.

Philippians 1:21 " For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Apostle Paul said it best that if we die in Christ that is gain.We will not just have any temporary story but an Eternal Story of Love and Everlasting Joy. It's a unique Love Story.I am still learning to Trust Him as I walk in His Promises everyday even when I don't understand the full picture.Everything He allows in our lives is simply to teach us how to be like Christ and mold and shape our characters to SAVE US!

Is there anything that you are fighting with God about? Will you Trust Him today to continue writing yours? If you need prayer like, comment, email or subscribe! I will include you in my prayer list! God Bless you all!