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Founder Autobiography

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Talk2God was birthed in March 2020 when the Pandemic Hit us Worldwide.Millions had lost their jobs, their lives and their sanity.Most of all, as christians our faith was tested.Koko Venegas was inspired to create a movement that would inspire anyone to stay connected, reconnect or discover the God that she has always known.A loving God who her God-fearing mother taught her about at a very young age.Her mother had passed away a year prior and as she mourned her absence yet hopeful of seeing her in eternity in Jesus return the decided to start this Ministry in hopes of spreading the good news and hope to anyone who needs it.Her aunty and father passed away a year later.Life is a gift and Jesus died so we would no longer experience the taste of death again.

"Before I formed you in your mother's womb, I knew you, I sanctified you and set you apart to be a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5)

Talk2God was birthed to inspire others to stay connected to God through prayer and Bible studies. Long ago, a five-year old little girl named Koko who started Talk2God told her mother she remembered God speaking to her in the womb.She remembers being in the dark and realizing of her existence she asked what she was doing here three times.She heard a gentle male voice respond and tell her she was here for a great purpose.Driven to know what her purpose was in this world she asked three more times what that purpose was? The male voice told her in due time she would know what that purpose is but it was important that she would know she is fully loved and here for a great purpose.This made her happy and anxious to know what that purpose was.She suddenly heard two women having a conversation then she realized she was inside one of them and as she contemplated on what awaited her life outside of the dark her memory ended.She doesn't remember this vivid memory as a dream.

Growing up in a dysfunctional home she struggled with minor depression, anxiety and loneliness.Her mothers prayers and faith in God helped her establish a relationship with God at a very young age.She started praying and reading scripture at the age of five. She told her mother they were blessed to have such a holy book that leads to eternal life and that was such an amazing gift from God.She went to church for the first time when she was seven years old.The same age she witnessed her father putting a gun on her mothers head as she watched her two older sisters wrestle to take away the gun.As a teenager, she struggled with fear. Trauma and a low-self esteem.She started attending church consistently as a teen and watched her mom get baptized at fourteen-years old.She started singing at five-years old with Mariachi in restaurants where her oldest sister sang as well. Due to the dangers in the music industry for children her mother didn't allow her to continue.

She started singing at church again as a teenager and in High School Events.She went through bullying in Elementary and became popular in Junior High and High School.She went through heart-breaks, betrayal from friends, family and toxic relationships with men.She left the church for a while and recorded a worldly album with other singers until one day God spoke to her while on stage.As she walked up she was disrespected by a man who was drunk and God spoke to her spirit as He gave her flashbacks of her singing Worship Music in church as a teen and touching lives for Him.She knew His voice and recognized it wasn't her own.He asked is this what you want to inspire? Have you forgotten your true calling? You were created to Praise me and touch lives that they may be saved.That day was her last day of singing worldly music as she began to search scriptures and find herself again.

She was baptized in Dec of 2005 in Milpitas, California.She has been a youth Director for many years and has mentored many young people as well as reached people in the airwaves through her radio show Re7Vive on Launchradio. Hungry for God she studied to be a Lay Evangelist and Bible Worker in a Ministry called End Times like these Ministries and participated in several mission trips. Koko Venegas Music serves as a vessel to share her Music, Blog, Podcast and shop with her own personal designs in hopes to create a movement of powerful Prayer warriors and soldiers for Christ on fire to spread the good news! All Glory to God! 

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Welcome to my blog, a place where I can share my greatest inspiration and candidly display the different sides of my passion project. Ever since I launched my site it has been creating buzz, gaining an increased following from day to day. I invite you to explore my content and learn about what makes me tick. Please reach out and engage—I’m happy to hear from you, as well.

I am a christian Singer/Songwriter with a new single I co-wrote titled "Awesome in this Place," Which is now available on every online platform like iTunes, Spotify, Youtube, Pandora radio and more.Follow me on every platform like tiktok, instagram, Facebook and reverb nation to stay updated on my Music and spiritual Journey!

I love serving God and others, cooking plant-based meals, hiking in nature, spending time with family and friends, photography, exploring new places and foods, children and animals, reading and writing but most of all I love laughter and making others smile as I aspire to be a beacon of light that points others to Christ.I am definately not perfect but I know one who is!

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Welcome to Koko Venegas Music, a unique blog here for you to explore. Koko Venegas is a Christian Singer/Songwriter, Photographer & Blogger as well as Founder of Mas De Ti Ministries-MDT.A Ministry she started in 2012 to help those in need.She is also a youth leader & enjoys praying, mentoring & working with teenagers & young adults.She is a Bible Worker. Loves Missionary work & has a passion for writing! She Hope's to be a blessing by sharing her personal experiences with those who can relate & get through this lifes journey together with the help of God! Whatever you purchase will help me continue doing what I love to do! Thank you & God Bless You! 

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Palmdale, CA, USA

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For years, I have served as a useful source to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our world. I founded Koko Venegas Music  & Mas De Ti Ministries with a mission to help others in need.Homeless, Orphans, depressed, suicidal, abused woman & anyone else who simply feels hopeless.I want to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and I have been at it ever since.Take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together or would love to book a concert or speaking engagement at your church.

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Ellen G. White 

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Palmdale, CA, USA

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